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Beer Styles

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Washed in Black

Beers brewed to style can be great.  But sometimes they can box in a brewer. Sometimes you need to go outside of the box to find the cool stuff.  “Washed in Black” is one of those beers.  I created this beer years ago specifically to have all of my favorite things in it.  Thankfully, everybody seems to like a lot of the same stuff I do.  It starts with a fairly typical IPA grain bill.  From there, we add a substantial amount of Rye malt that adds a great bite that balances out the sweeter malts.  Finally, we add Black malt which adds a touch of dry roasted flavor and washes the beer black.  Hence: “Washed in Black”.  

“Washed in Black” is a great descriptor of the beer.  It is also an homage to a great band.  “Washed in Black” is lyrics pulled from Pearl Jam’s “Black”.  One of my favorite songs from my favorite band.

As you taste this beer, try to find the subtle roasty notes up front followed by the crisp spicy rye and sweet caramel malts.  And finally, the bitter punch of Simcoe and Columbus hops on the end.  

A beer competition judge may say that this beer is out of style.  There is no such thing as a “Black Rye IPA”.  That is just fine with us.  We just categorize it as “delicious”.  
